Organizing committee :

Susanne Bauer, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
Maria Rentetzi, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Martina Schlünder, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, Germany
Susanne Bauer has moved to science studies from a background of environmental health sciences. She is currently Associate Professor of Sociology of Science at Goethe University Frankfurt. Her research interests include science&technology studies, sociology of infrastructures, epidemiological databases, practices with data and samples. She was co‐curator of the exhibition "Split + Splice. Fragments from the Age of Biomedicine" (2009‐2010), Medicinsk Museion, University of Copenhagen.

Maria Rentetzi received her B.Sc. in Physics at the University of Thessaloniki and her PhD in Science and Technology Studies at Virginia Tech. Currently she is Assistant Professorof Sociology of Science at the National Technical University of Athens in Greece. Rentetzi is the author of Trafficking Materials and Gender Experimental Practices, Columbia University Press (2007), co‐editor of a Special Issue of Centaurus on Gender and Networking in the Physical Sciences (2009) and a second special Centaurus issue on Gender and Histories of Knowledge (2013). Her research interests include science and technology studies, history of nuclear science, and gender in technoscience.
Relevant literature: Rentetzi, Maria. "Packaging Radium, Selling Science: Boxes, Bottles and Other Mundane Things in the World of Science" Annales of Science, 2011, 68(3): 137-154.

Martina Schlünder is an historian of medicine and an MD (neurology and psychiatry). In her doctoral dissertation (Charité‐Berlin) she analyzed the experimentalization of clinical knowledge in the early 20th century in Germany. She is a postdoctoral fellow at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (IRG Lipphardt) (project: “Populations and Persons in Biomedicine: Negotiating Difference in Clinical Practices”). She is a member of the Ludwik Fleck Kreis. Research interests: minor epistemologies and ambulant science, economization of life/the living, human‐animal relationships in biomedicine.